This is quite a cat. Seemingly unperturbed by my presence, he sauntered across my neighbors yard on the south, then my yard, then the neighbors yard to the north before disappearing from sight. I was at times no more than 10 feet from him.
Specific Feedback Requested
Any. I finally got some decent light in which to capture him.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Canon 60D, Canon 70-300 IS USM Zoom @ 170mm, f/5.6, 1/1000 sec., ISO 1000. Processed in ACR and PSE 2020 for exposure and cropping. Topaz De-noise.
Nice determined seeming stride here. Gorgeous fur. Seems a tad underexposed, but it is shady. So great you get to see these. All I ever get is tracks and scat.
They seem to be rare around here – I’ve only seen one, but I’d love a chance to shoot them – in the photographic sense. I’d put out Fancy Feast but I think the neighbor’s cute little twin tabbys would get to it first.
Thanks @Diane_Miller and @Kris_Smith . I’ve lived here twenty years, and this is the first bobcat I’ve ever seen (except a couple times on the trail cam very early in the morning), and he roams around here like he’s completely unconcerned there are humans in close proximity. I’ve never seen a bobcat act like this one. I’ve seen maybe a handful in my life, and they were usually headed away from me as fast as they could go!