Olympic Mountain Alpenglow

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Taken just before sunrise looking west with iPhone. Converted to jpeg and minor crop. I thought this was so unusual that others might like to see it. It lasted less than five minutes.

Specific Feedback

Any comments welcome

Technical Details

iPhone image

Hi Daniel,

I like the composition but it looks to me that you have the same issue I always seem to have with phone photos of landscapes. Looks good on the phone but not so on a larger screen or print. Pixelation and a lack of depth.

Mark, I agree about iPhone images. I didn’t have my camera ready and used the iPhone out of convenience. The pink glow only lasted a few minutes. I posted the image primarily because the distribution and intensity of the alpenglow was so unusual. Not sure I understand the physics behind the sharp demarcation at the forest/clear cut boundary. I hope you and others found it to be interesting and enjoyable.


Great capture! This low key edited version works well. I’m a sucker for photos with “pop” so I couldn’t resist giving it a go. I darkened the whites of the snow on the trees to draw the eye away and towards the mountain, and increased the contrast in the mountain. I left the sky alone. Different than yours…not necessarily better but I like them both.

You were lucky to capture this nice moment to remember. The comp and colors are great, but to me the image seems quite soft. I would think an iphone would certainly produce an image with enough resolution for a sharp web display. Maybe it’s the processing?

Michael - My iPhone takes HEIF images and in order to post this image on NPN I had to convert to a JPEG. I noticed a loss of sharpness after the conversion.

Tony - I like what you did. Landscapes should be vibrant.

Michael - I posted a reply. I think the loss of sharpness happened converting from HEIF to JPEG.
