Hi Joe,
This is a wonderful composition!
And it does convey the mood of fleeting light in my opinion. 
The colors are off, but only if you consider what most of us perceive as âNormalâ, That said, colors are very subjective, itâs always up to the photographer to decide what colors he or she wants.
And thereâs no way for us to know what the actual colors were when you captured the image.
I did an example edit with a color temperature adjustment as well as a linear gradient Brightness/Contrast mask (in Ps) over the FG mountains just to add a little brighter luminance to those peaks (to make them stand out a bit more and to add separation).
Then I used a Color Balance mask on the FG mountains to add a slight yellow/red cast on the snow there so it would match the colors on the peak thatâs being struck by direct sunlight.
The color temperature was done in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) just because itâs easier to do in ACR than it is in Ps. I just made sure the Red, Green and Blue values shown in the histogram window were all equal (with snow, thatâs the most accurate way I know of to obtain the correct White Balance), but keep in mind that I added a little yellow/red back in just to match the single peak in direct sunlight.
The example edit may not represent the actual scene correctly and it may not be what you were aiming for, itâs just an alternate view for you to consider.
Anyway, you expressed that you were looking for a little guidance with color and this is about the best I could come up with based on my personal opinion.
As for contrast, thatâs another subjective element, so, personally, I like a higher level of contrast in this scene because it helps to show details. However, If there was a lot of fog or clouds around the FG mountains, I would opt for much less contrast.
As for saturation, again, that is subjective as well and again, personally, I think the level of saturation shown is pleasing to my eyes 
The Real Question is: Are the colors, contrast and saturation pleasing to your eyes?
I hope this helps, maybe this will give you something to consider for future images.
All the best! 
P.S. I always forget to write things down. 
I meant to add that some people like to edit their images to appear as close as possible to the actual scene and thatâs great.
Iâm one of those people who prefers to add a few enhancements purely for artistic reasons.
Both methods are valid and respected. 
P.S. #2 Ha! BTW, I like your original version as it is (to be honest!), I think it looks really good! It could stand to have a little brighter luminance on the FG mountain peaks though. 
Hereâs another version of the original image with the luminosity of the FG mountain peaks raised, color adjustments were made with another Color Balance mask to compliment the color of the mountains in the BG on the right.