On the fence.

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I like the way the cardinal is perched on the fence, as if he is waiting to see what other birds are doing. Should the bare branch be removed in processing? I not sure it adds, but think it detracts somewhat.

Creative direction

I just wanted a cardinal image where there is good detail in the feathers as well as good color.

Also was testing out hand holding the 600mm F-11 lens as well as the R10.
I was looking for gear as possible with decent results.

Specific Feedback

Should the bare branch be cloned out? Also thought of cropping out more of the fence in front of the cardinal.

Technical Details

Canon R10, RF 600mm F-11
1/1000 F-11 ISO 4000
hand held


This was taken in my backyard. I filled up several bird seed feeders and waited in a yard chair for birds to arrive. I was not using any form of cover, but was in the shadow of my house.

I think he’s checking you out! Something has his attention for sure. Maybe just waiting for an opening to the food. I like the alert stance - especially the position of the feet.

The red channel though, looks over-saturated to the point of clipping. Especially in the beak which should be more of a salmon-orange rather than full-on red. The lack of detail in the feathers compared to the fence is another indication the red channel is overloaded. Very easy to do with modern cameras. Oh and the black around his beak looks too light - lower the blacks and the exposure on the bird and it should look right.

Another thing you could do is take down the exposure in the background a little so it doesn’t compete with our boy. I’d leave the green leaves by his head, but I’d get rid of the bare branch. If you felt like cropping on the left, you could do it to just get rid of the triangle at the top left. Should be easy fixes and make for a nice improvement to this lovely portrait.

Hi John, nice capture of the cardinal - I find them to be rather spooky in my yard. He looks like he is overlooking his domain and contemplating his next move. I like him placed on the right like you did. Kris gave good color tips and I could see losing the bare branch (not a big deal though). Nice look at this beauty.

I think Kris gave you some really solid feedback, John, though for my taste the crop is fine as-is.

I second Dennis’s comments. I, too, see that he could be checking you out, but being a bit whimsical see that the branch in the URC is reaching out to touch him, and he is not sure he wants that.