One More Dead Flower

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


After almost two weeks of gray days, in a dark mood. I was about to dispose of these fall flowers and decided to see what I could come up with.

Specific Feedback

Emotional response?

Technical Details

Lumix S5II

Oh! this is awesome! I get a strong bittersweet sadness from the faded colors and the droop. I love the color contrasts and composition. On the large monitor, there are some blurred spots in the center of the RH flower and some artifacts, possibly from from sharpening, but they were not apparent until I clicked on it and got the big view. Great image!

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Thanks, @Cathy_Proenza
I think the artifact came from in-camera focus stacking.
Does anyone have any way to fix?
Thanks for pointing it out I worte it off as limited focus, but because in front and behind is more in focus has to stacking error.

I’m no stacking expert. So I can say with authority that in my crummy attempts at it, I’ve seen similar artifacts where there are alternating in- and out-of-focus areas! :grin: I don’t have any suggestions for a fix, but I’ll keep my eye on this thread in case someone else does.

Job’s done. Making room for the next generation. I like this a lot, Steve. Very well composed. I do wonder how it would work flipped horizontally. My tendency to read left to right makes me want to start at that end and I have to force myself to go the other way, which may be a good thing.

Very nice!! And a good way to make do with gloomy weather. I love the subject, the colors and the way you filled the frame with it. I don’t know your camera’s capabilities but for an in-camera stack it looks quite decent, with the artifacts easily overlooked in an artistic image.

I have the Canon R5 and do focus bracketing with the camera but go to Zerene Stacker for the actual stacking, where there are some options for correcting problems. (Helicon also works well.) It can be tricky to get the best combination of DOF and spacing of the stacks.

Wonderful! I love dead flowers. They have such interesting textures and lines that aren’t apparent when they are in full bloom. Nice composition on this one.

Steve: I rarely stack and my camera doesn’t do it automatically so I’m afraid I’m no help there but that said I doubt I would have noticed if others hadn’t said something. I do like the comp and Dennis’ comment about image flow does resonate with me. Presented with this same scene I might have attempted to go a touch wider and rotate the frame to include the entire spent bud in the ULC. Exceptionally good work making a compelling image from a subject most would have tossed in the trash. :+1: :+1: >=))>