This shot is from the coast near Yachats. Eight of the 14 days we had on the coast were overcast so I was trying to make lemonade from lemons. The algae covered rocks caught my eye
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f/18, , 1/125 sec, iso 200 , at 24 mm
Hi Richard, I am one of those contrarians who actually like overcast days…I prefer them to bright harsh sun. And this is the typical Oregon Coast look. I think what makes this work so well is the wave action you captured. I like the crop as is, but also see a slight crop from the bottom to just above the diagonal in the lower left…
Great image, sir.
Totally, Yachats! The Clouds kind of look like waves and echo the ocean waves. Nice blend of muted colors. I agree with David about cropping the lower edge. If you’re going to photograph the Oregon Coast, you have to be prepared for some weather.
Beautiful shot, Richard. I also love the muted colors. The green algae blends in wonderfully with the bluish sky. I also like that the middle pool in the stones is clear and you can see through to the bottom. I’m not sure about the crop at the bottom. I think I like it as is, but maybe if I saw it cropped I would like it. I like this image a lot.
Thanks @Chris_Baird @David_Bostock @Donna_Callais for your kind comments. Now that I’ve tried it, I like the slight crop at the bottom.
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I’m 50-50 on a crop – I love the composition either way. That wet looking cloud bank offshore is a very nice and unusual touch.
Did you get to check out the tidepool? Looks like it might be a good one.