While exploring Mammoth Hot Springs after a big snow, I was delighted to see this very clear set of tracks from what’s most likely a Kangaroo Rat (due to the tail drag). It sure looks like it made a single round trip from it’s hole under that rock.
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This is great Mark. I so enjoy snow photos, remind me of when we lived in Colorado. I like the composition with the foot prints leading me right to the rocks in the background. Also, the detail you’ve gotten in all that white, white snow. Very nicely done.
Great trail and scene. This is an excellent entry for the challenge.
What perfect tracks. The curving and crossing tracks make this quite graceful. Did you consider getting rid of the (human?) tracks in the background?
Oh wow, great find and capture, Mark. Well seen.
Really great poerspective view, Mark - the two rocks tightly set at the top work beautifully in anchoring the criss-cross of the tracks. A very fine image !!