Out of chaos

One of the many stairs to walkways, overlooks and paths at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. This one might be over by the Hellcat Dunes, but I can’t recall. It was an overcast day in the fall and this scene worked best in b&w. I liked the contrast between the milled wood and the riotous trees and bushes.

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Is this a composite: No

Out of Chaos

Lots of work in Lightroom to manage the tonalities and increase the contrast between the wooden stairs and the surrounding trees. Masks that intersect with luminance ranges, brushes for contrast, brushes for changing exposure in places, texture, contrast and of course the B&W conversion. A bit of a crop and some work with the HSL panel to improve contrast.


This is very effective; you really nailed the tonal distribution.

I love the unique look down the steps and the wonderful twists!! All the work paid off so well, and is completely unobtrusive. The busy bare trees are appropriately subdued and the boardwalk glows!

Thanks so much @Ronald_Murphy & @Diane_Miller - it’s gotten better over the years and software and my skills with it has improved.

This is fantastic, Kristen. The tones are gorgeous and I love the way the stairway takes the viewer into this lovely B&W scene and then the walkway takes over with that graceful curve as it disappears into the trees. Gotta love those gnarly twisted trees flanking the stairway too. No suggestions from me.

Thanks @Ed_Lowe - on the spot the whole scene is basically shades of taupe so monochrome works so much better to tease apart those shades. I admit to brush work on the ground boardwalk so it wouldn’t disappear so fast.

Really well done with respect to tonality, detail and point of view.

Thanks @David_Schoen ~ I miss Plum Island. Your shot has a similar vantage point.