
Shale creek patently moves through and over the rock.

Specific Feedback Requested

Composition thoughts?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Single exposure, 13 seconds @ f 9 24mm ISO 100


I love it when water can be captured like this! Somehow, for me, the right-to-left flow feels awkward. If it’s within your ethics, I wonder how it would look flipped horizontally…

Todd, really great job here on your choice of shutter speed, the water flow looks great. I also think the texture and shapes of the rocks adds some interest to the image.

My only suggestion would be to emphasize the white water a bit more by darkening the dark tones in the left half of the image. I think this would direct the viewers attention more at the white water. Here is a rework example.

Wow, thanks. That really does look good. It never occurred to burn the rocks, but it looks good.
Thanks for the input.

Nice, intimate shot.