It’s funny you should bring that up. An old NPN member (who is no longer a member) told me that at the inception of NPN in the early 2000s it was common to send prints to one another. I think it’s a great idea. Somehow I think it would foster bonding and friendships. This was at a time when many of the prominent landscape photographers were active at NPN. I believe that NPN did nothing to foster this and help it in any way. It was all done with the initiative of members. I’m not sure if that’s what you’re referring to when you say ‘go back in time’.
Igor, what can I say after all these comments. This image is bizarre and so beautiful.Because of the light/dark and composition. It shall be me but I also see almost human figures in the middle.
My going “back in time” is in the 40’s or earlier when Weston, Adams, Minor White, Cunningham, Bourke-White, Eugene Smith, and more in the “Salon” period. I don’t know if I have all the photographers listed were together at times, but there was a period when it was common to share prints. I guess we do that when an image is posted that generates a conversation that goes beyond the niceities of “Good Job, but you need to clone out a twig” to discussions that go deeper and revolve around the impact of the image. It’s hard to explain, and I’m not suggesting that the give and take about techniques and cropping is not useful, but there’s more to an image.
I agree with you that a print has a different impact than an image. @Ed_McGuirk and others have helped me with printing and I am grateful for that. NPN members would exchange prints and they would be mailed back. I like the idea if for no other reason than that it shows they respect your work.
Whoa, Igor, what a fantastic inspiration.