
This was not the image I was imagining capturing when I arrived at Smith Rocks. I spied the glimpse of orange water just as I was turning to head home. Waded into the stream and found this composition. The best of the day. Keeping my eyes and mind open, taking time, and slowing down is my challenge.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback is welcome. I have a concern about the rock in the bottom right. Im thinking of darkening it even more. What do you think?

Technical Details

ISO 31, 140 mm, f/18, 1.0 sec. Removed some sticks on the bottom right, but the rest is straight up dodging and burning.


Beautiful photo. Yes, you could darken the lower-right rock, but I’m wondering more about the other little rock at the bottom. You might try cloning it away and see what it looks like.

Thanks so much! So, as your suggestion, I darkened (and sharpened) the rock on the lower right and cloned the bottom rock too. Not sure about the balance. What do you think?


Well, that looks good to me. Let’s see what others think.

Janine, your rework cloning out the foreground rock is perfect. This image is very striking with the blue/gray rocks and wonderful yellow light hitting the water. This is truly wonderful.

Beautiful balance draws you right in to steal a phrase when a rock is more than a rock

Beautiful photo! I was going to suggest cloning out the bottom center rock but I see that you’ve already done that and I really like the repost. :slight_smile:

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Love this image, Janine. The reflected yellow and green in the water really adds a great path for the eye to follow. Those boulders remind me of the ones I saw in the Smokey Mountains at a workshop this past spring. I fell in love with them and want to return there again soon. I definitely like the small stone at the bottom cloned out! Nice job.

Your rework looks great Janine.

Thanks everyone for your supportive comments. Now if I can print it!!! This is definitely one for the portfolio.

Hey Janine! Scrolling through the comments, I’m glad someone mentioned the rock in the bottom middle. Great job cloning that out as it’s not detected at all. The color bleeding in the water among the rocks is beautiful! I hope you’re able to print this one and enjoy it forever!

Lovely colours and comp Janine. I think this image can really come to life with a few tonal adjustments. Overall I feel like my eyes are being drawn away from the wonderful colours in the water. I used a vignette tone down the sides. Curves adjustment on a few of the rocks. Filled in the blown out highlights in the water using the TK panel. I also had to desaturate the rocks a bit after bringing down the tones. The pixels started to fall apart while working on the jpeg but I think you captured a great image.

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Love the magical light! Nice work? What do you think about a square or portrait orientation for this? Would it make it stronger? Just wondering what you think.

This version is so much better, nice work.