Pelicans Surfing the Trough - Repost

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I went for a walk on the beach early today. I was hoping to catch another foggy morning, but it was high overcast instead. It was a pretty high tide and the pelicans were riding the currents along the crest of the waves. When the waves broke, they bumped up over the top and rode the trough along until the next wave started breaking. This was a nice squadron that was drifting along the crests, except the one you can just see the wings that was down in the trough. I’m going to post another image in the Wildlife forum from today also.

Specific Feedback

Not quite what Pete has done, but my best shot at an edit based on comments received so far. Can you feel the glide of these huge birds over the air currents along the wave crests? It amazes me how low they fly along the top of the ocean. I think I like the green and brown water that shows up in the color version.

Technical Details

Canon 7DMii, iso 400, f7.1, 1/5000 sec, -0.3 EV, 100-400/1.4TC at 140 mm.

The bird in the trough looks like a wipe-out, Ed. I prefer the color version, though the B&W is also nice. I like the way the head of the line is curved toward the breaking wave. It makes it look like they’re going to follow the leader straight into the wave. I could see bringing up the luminosity on the pelicans-they feel awfully dark to me. That’s always a problem with flock shots-the selection of all those birds is very difficult when you want to adjust them.

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You had me at Pelicans. Pat’s foveate bird. (they always bring us to Sommer). I hope to don’t mind I downloaded your photograph into DXO PhotoLab 7 and adjusted the browns and greens, add some luminance to the Pelicans and waves. I also used a brush to increase the exposure of darker parts of the wave.

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Thank you @Dennis_Plank. I will see what I can do with better illuminating the pelicans. Hard to believe, but the pelican in the trough actually came out of it unscathed.
@peter I love what you’ve done with the waves, and the pelicans. Those waves just pop now! Thank you.

I like you were close enough, or had the reach, to get the pelicans with reasonable detail. Where I live, they’re too far out for such a pleasing image. While B&W works, I do prefer the color version and like what @peter did.

Thank you @Allen_Brooks, I tried to do some of what Dennis and Peter suggested. Not quite there, but I do like it better.

Hi Ed, I do like the first image better. It has a bit more pop to it. Nice catch of these flying pelicans. It’s tough to get them reasonably sharp in a row and you did well here. Love the crashing surf too.