Petastals Abstract

Well another from Inverness Beach, Cape Breton Island taken a year earlier than my previous post. This beach is just amazing with its changeability due to the wind and tides. I decided on B&W due to its graphic and abstract qualities.

Specific Feedback Requested

Does B&W work? Should I focus in on certain areas? Thanks again for taking the time to look. All input appreciated.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 5D M2
Canon 24 - 70 2.8L
1/45 sec f/16 ISO200
Nik Silver Efex 3


I like the comp and the direction of the shadows. Like the other image, the sand texture really enhances the overall look and feel. I like the B&W for the reasons you stated, but wonder if the contrast could be dialed back a bit. I kinda feel like I need to squint my eyes due to the harsh light…of course this is the beach. :grinning:


Eva, i like this as an abstract, it concentrates on the interesting foreground rocks that you had in your prior post. I do think it works well as a B&W image, it enhances the graphic look of the image. And the diagonal “flow” of the image is very dynamic. I do agree with @David_Bostock , I would try reducing the highlights just a bit.

While the B&w works well for me, I think it might also be interesting to see if color could work too. You might be able play on the color contrast of warm sand and cool shadows behind the rocks.

Many thanks @David_Bostock and @Ed_McGuirk for your input and suggestions. The sun was very strong coming from the upper left so there seems to be an uneven color gradient left to right in the color version. The black and white rework has less aggressive contrast.

I really love this image and I like your black and white rework even more. It looks like I’m flying over a huge mountain range! Nice capture!

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@Eva_McDermott, the reposts are fantastic. The color gradient doesn’t bother me at all. I guess you could work some kind of reverse gradient to counter it, but I don’t see the need.

The B&W version is simply fantastic. Much better with reduced contrast. It almost feels otherworldly. The larger version also loses it’s sense of scale which is very cool. It could be anything from small sand peaks to mountains on Mars. Excellent!

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