Pick Up Sticks + repost

This is a canyon in Wyoming which had seen a fairly recent burn.

All comments, critiques or suggestions are welcome.

D810, 70-200mm at 200

Good suggestions. Not a huge difference, but I pushed the pop of the colored leaves about as far as I reasonably could.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Great title, Mr. H.! There sure are lots of them.

I like all the detail and the V’s created by the slopes and the living trees. I am a little on the fence with the yellow tree–it grabs my eye, but that’s minor. Color and contrast look great.

Nicely seen, Harley. Definitely tells a story. Processing looks good to me. I like the yellow tree. I think its positioning in the “V” makes for a great focal point. If anything I might experiment with accentuating further with a slight dodge and sat boost.

“Great title,” - my exact thoughts as well. Also a great composition Mr. H, a great find and capture. I like the scattering of boulders as well mixed in with the downed trees - sticks.

For me, the yellow tree is important and even though it’s small in the frame I think it’s the focal point; especially how the opposing slopes form a “v” and the aspen is right there.

If anything, maybe use the b&w luminosity layer to boost the brightness of the yellow to make it stand out even more? Just a thought.

Well seen and crafted.


Really nice composition here Harley, everything leads your eye right into that yellow tree. And, as usual, Lon is right on the money about increasing the yellow luminosity, it makes a big difference in the re-post. it’s amazing how such a small part of the image plays such a large role in how we perceive it.

The re-post does the trick. The aspen is much more visible, and adds to the composition.

A square crop of the bottom part of the image works for me. The story is all down there and it’s a stronger comp.

An interesting suggestion. I will give it a try.