Hi Folks - Sorry I have not posted much in a while. What little shooting I have been able to do has been in the backyard set up with mainly same ole same ole images. But I always enjoy seeing these warblers come in - a great splash of color in winter. Attracted by bark butter.
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Is this a composite: No
Canon 90D, Sigma 150-600mm, tripod
ISO 400, f10, 1/1000s
@ allensparks.wildlife
It is good to see some sunlight in a few of these Winter photos. I like the perch with moss and lichens and the very slight head turn oif the warbler. Well done…Jim
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A really pretty picture. Lovely bg, perch and pose. And nice complimentary colors through out. It is interesting what might be same old to us is new and exciting to others. Well done.
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Very nice, Allen. Since we don’t get this species, it’s new and different to me. Once this Covid stuff is over, we should trade back yards for a week some winter.
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Excellent portrait of this warbler. The colors are wonderful in the background really works well. I like the perch. If anything it’s a tad over sharpened but difficult to tell since I have never seen this species.