Pertinent technical details or techniques: both cropped cropped:
This is my first posting here. I feel that composition is my biggest difficulty.
B/W was converted to b/w in PS simply by sliding all color sliders to full in the Adjustments / Black and White (don’t know if this is the best way to achieve this). Slight vignette applied.
Color had slight “glow” effect applied in TK-7 panel and same vignette as the b/w version.
Based upon this image I would not guess that composition is a problem for you. The sweeping branches of the tree on the right are very powerful. The two images are very different for me. The color version is slightly less exposed. That , together with the browns make it more emotional than the b&w. The b&w feels more graphically balanced with a greater separation of tones. The b&w is a winter wonderland and the color is a ‘hard winter’. Personally I’m responding more to the color version. It says more to me.
I’m not sure what feedback you’re looking for. I thought that the tree on the right is so powerful that a crop from the left could emphasize it. However, the arc of branches really works well in the center and moving it off center hurts the comp so I think you got it right. Good work.
I find the color version more interesting because it is so subdued, but the B/W is also very strong. I’d consider bringing up the lightest tones just a bit in the color version, or possibly the entire exposure. I like that the two trunk bases, on the right and left, are about the same distance from the frame edge, giving a nice balance to a peaceful scene.
Charlie, welcome to NPN. I don’t see any compositional issues in this shot. Like Igor, I find that the sweep in from the right using the bank and especially that big tree working well and balance nicely with the creek and trees coming from the left. There’s little enough color so that I think your b&w conversion works well. Your two images got posted at slightly different sizes. Since the size of the image plays a strong role in human perception, this gives the color version an advantage unrelated to what’s in the image.
Thank-you for the feedback. To me, there’s something about the little hint to color that makes the image more engaging.
When you mention cropping from the left, I am wondering whether that’d work. I can see how bringing in the left would really emphasize the tree on the right, but how much cropping would be sufficient? That’s one of the great things about PS or LR - that you can experiment.
I’ll report back when I have played about with that. This is where I feel that my sense of composition is weaker, but having feedback is a great way to learn and improve.
Thank-you for your feedback. Yes, I did balance the trunks - that was intentional, but I think it’d be great to experiment more based on Igor’s comments.
I will play about with the lights and/or exposure and see how that goes.
The only thing I want to comment on the new crop is that the bottom rocks now butts up against the frame. I would not have cropped off the bottom for that reason. The exposure choice is tied to the mood you want to convey. Now, the image is a bit more optimistic.
I also prefer the colour version. Probably because the snow is more white than the sky, keeping my attention in the photo. This contrast in luminosity and colour is lost in the BW version.
Welcome to NPN Charlie, I am glad that you decided to plunge right into critiques. And I hope to see more of your work, you are off to fine start with this pair of images, Here’s another vote for the color image having a bit more emotional impact. The hints of color amplify the starkness of winter for me. I think you did a good job with the composition as presented, it is nicely balanced.
Regarding your revised crop attempt to emphasize the right tree. I agree with Igor that the rock is too tight to the frame edge. And for my taste the trunk of the left tree is also too tight to the left frame edge. Here is a left side crop rework with a bit more breathing room in both regards.
I prefer the color version. Seems to have more life to it. I also prefer the redo by Ed particularly because he removed the busy branches in upper left corner, but would also consider removing the vertical branch in the top middle.