Pond Lace

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

I’m not sure why I’m asking for an initial reaction. It’s quite obvious what we’re looking at. I guess I’m interested with any emotional associations you may have when seeing this.

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

This is similar to a previous image except it’s more of an abstract. The creek water is black due to being stagnant and the leaching of leaves. I was fortunate enough to be there before the leaves had a chance to decay a great deal.

Technical Details

GFX50R, 45-100mm, f/11, high iso,

Specific Feedback

All feedback is welcome.


It goes to my immaturity as an artist that my initial reaction is “There’s Waldo!”

However, my second reaction is the beauty of change. When people ask me what my favorite season is, my answer is the change from one to the next, and this image captures the essence of that for me. These are obviously the littered remains of fall, but they have such an attraction as a display of lines and color.

Your photo beautifully showcases nature’s vibrant palette, with the scattered leaves forming a stunning mosaic. The range of colors, from delicate pinks to deep browns, perfectly captures the essence of autumn. The gleam on the water adds a wonderful depth, bringing the floating leaves to life in a dynamic way. It’s truly a captivating scene. The only thing, and it is a very minor distraction are the tiny flecks of blue and perhaps the insect. Great image Igor!

I got a feeling of somberness and endings, but peaceful ones. There isn’t anything harsh, jarring or shocking, but just the natural cycle of things. Second was interest in all the shapes, lines, colors and semi-hidden objects in the frame. Choosing where to cut these kinds of scene is always tough, but this looks good and not forced. I do wonder that the evenness of the light and it puts me in mind of a softbox, but it may have been nature’s own. The pastel hues and earthy tones are a nice combination.

Such a gorgeous image. I love all the shapes of the leaves against the dark background. Scream of “fall”, and a beautiful name as well for it.

I love it! The colors are fantastic. The arrangement is simple and pleasing.

This image says the circle of life to me; both in the way that the fallen leaves seem to be circling around the frame and that winter is just around the corner with the trees shedding their leaves. I do like the peaceful vibe with the lovely pastel shades of color which I find inviting. No suggestions from me as this is beautifully done.

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Darn it. I’m not the most articulate guy and often times have trouble expressing how I feel about an image other than emotionally. I enjoyed your image and took awhile formulating my thoughts about it. I guess my mistake was reading the other’s comments before I posted.
My brother stole my thunder. LOL I will echo his thoughts.

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It makes me wistful for warmer times! I love the natural way the leaves are laying there. It doesn’t look like you placed any there since some are not “shiny side up”. It certainly has a very natural look which I appreciate. The contrast of the tannin rich water with the lighter leaves is lovely too. Love it!

@Kris_Smith, @Paul_Holdorf, @Michael_Lowe, @John_Williams, @Judi_Hastings , @Matt_Payne

Thank you for all your comments. I have to admit now that this was my favorite image from the Utah/Arizona fall trip. I’m quite happy with it, and that’s not very common for me.

I was reading the NPN articles the other day and realized that the first image in @Sarah_Marino’s article is very similar to mine and likely taken very near mine. See if you agree:
