Here is another view of the same mantis. Using a 180 Macro lens with extention tubes. Could be the weather, this one stayed where he was.
6D2, 180 Tamron, 12+24 Ext, Flash reflected
Balan Vinod
6D2, 180 Tamron, 12+24 Ext, Flash reflected
Balan Vinod
Balan, you really got some nice details in this one. I liked a lot about the other one though, like the red BG, and how he seemed to be leaning into the image. This one feels like, since both antennas are cropped anyway, that a vertical or maybe even a square format would work. I’m not liking the top right corner in this for one thing, something going on there that isn’t in the rest of the BG, so seems distracting to me. He really is staring you down, and you really did get more DOF in this one on him. It is a great shot, and I would love to call it my own.
Hi Balan, interesting take on the mantis. Nice detail on the head and the effect to me is that he is peering over at me - perhaps looking for his next meal.
Balan, I’m enjoying your placement of this mantis in the frame for both views. This head on look is quite striking with the head and legs nicely sharp, set off well by the negative space on the right.
Balan: I like the unconventional comp and crop. A face only a mother could love. Nicely done. >=))>