Rabbit Island

Initially, the chosen subject was the island on the horizon, but alone it was stark and visually dull. Providing the context of the surrounding shoreline enhanced the image and made it more visually appealing.

Specific Feedback Requested

This was captured in normal 2x3 proportions. It worked much better as a horizontal suggestive of a panoramic. As it is, I still think probably 5-10% of the image could be cropped from the bottom of the frame. What do you think?

Technical Details

f/8, ISO 100, 114 sec., 13 stop ND filter

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A very nice image Mark! I like the strong contrast here and I feel it make the image really pop. That said, I would maybe lighten the rocks on the very left edge just a tad. Or you may want to leave it as it does kind of tell a story of it’s own - darkness creeping in and spreading across the land… Either way, I like this. :slight_smile:


I like your image pretty much as is. I would definitely address the shadows…dark with details, but not black…particularly with the rocks on the left. I can go either way with the crop. The only other thing that I would address is that dark rock on the bottom left of the frame in the foreground. Feels out of place relative to the rest of the rocks in the foreground. Maybe lighten that rock up some, if you decide not to crop more of the foreground.


Amazing image. The slow SS and the dark shapes gives this a surrealistic look. Together with the graded sky this reminds me of Salvador Dali. Would not crop.

Dramatic and lovely!! The edge of the rock in the LL is what bothers me – A crop from the left just enough to hide that edge would work well, I think.


Outstanding image! B&W all the way. The extended exposure has done wonders for this seascape.

The only suggest has been hinted at and that would be the shadows in the rocks on the left. It’s not that I’m looking for detail there, but a more consisten tonality compared to the rest of the scene. But that’s pretty minor.

Well done!
