All my years of wildlife photography and this was the first real chance at a raccoon. Shot from my truck in San Bernard NWR (S Texas), she seemed unconcerned with my presence. I spent 8 minutes with her before another truck arrived behind me and I had to move. (one of the disadvantages in a lot of that refuge - narrow one way roads) Much of that time she had her head buried in her digging or behind grass but raised up a few times for a shot.
Specific Feedback Requested
All feedback is welcome. I will say I’m not much concerned about the grass since her face is clear of it. I’m specifically wondering about the color. I’ve fiddled with the white balance to the point I’ve lost perspective.
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Canon 1D with Tamron 150-600, 1/500, f6.3, ISO 8000. Processed in Lightroom.
Racoons are underrated. They are so interesting and smart. Watching this one must have been fun and the photo is a good one. The white balance seems a touch on the green side, but I wasn’t there so it’s hard for me to tell. I SO know what you mean about looking at something so long you can’t ‘see’ it anymore.
Thanks. I actually moved the tint overall to remove green tinge until I felt the grass was turning pink. Because the raccoon still looked green, I moved the tint a bit more on her. I’ll try a bit more on just the raccoon.
Terri, I love raccoons, they have such cute faces. To me, the colors look fine. I am using a Dell monitor that was calibrated at the factory, so I never have to calibrate, and hope that I am getting it correct. You are right about the NWR, you do get a chance to see critters that are fairly used to people being around, so that is a plus, but sometimes you have to move on even if you aren’t ready. A nice look at this guy, and he gave you a nice pose.
I like the composition and it’s getting tight at the top. There’s plenty of room at the bottom for intended motion. I think the color is OK (looks good on my phone . ) …Jim
I really like the capture, DOF and your composition ! It looks good on my computor.
I’m keen to know if you have intentionally blurred the grasses around Raccoon?