The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.
Self Critique
This is the first image from this series that I have edited so I’m still trying to nail down the direction but I think this is close. I’m considering a crop to a 4x5 or 5x7 to remove some of the foreground grass, I’m interested if anyone else concurs with that thought.
Creative direction
This one was interesting for me. It almost feels like the middle tree on the right is about to attack the smaller tree, but little does it know a much larger tree stands behind waiting to protect…
The trees in this forest have such a mythical / fantastical feel to them that I want to accentuate that through the composition and processing.
Specific Feedback
All are welcome!
Technical Details
ISO 100, f/11, 1/13 sec. 18mm
This was taken on a family vacation to Portugal that we just returned from. We were much more focused on family time so I didn’t get away much to focus on photography. I did get a chance to spend some time in this spot, about 3 hours, and came away with a few more I hope to share soon.
Hi David,
I love the image, you did a great job with lining these up to frame each other without any intersection and the fog really adds to the depth with variation in haze for each tree. I agree with your thinking though, I’d crop to 4x5 to remove the foreground grass, as it’s so bright that is distracts from you main subjects and doesn’t quite match the moody tones of the background in the fog.
First: I love the image. You found the right place to stand and placed the 3 trees exactly at the right spot. I understand your suggestion of a crop; I’d prefer a 5x7 over a 4x5. A 4x5 would lose too much depth in the image in my opinion.
An alternative could be to desaturate the grass in the FG a little bit, optionally in combination with a 5x7 crop.
I think this looks really great! To me it almost seems as though the three trees are having a meeting the the big tree on the left is the boss and is making all of the decisions.
I brought the image into Photoshop and I played around with cropping and I actually really like the 4x5 crop. That’s not to say that a 5x7 or your original don’t work though.
Hi David, what a fascinating image! You arranged the trees perfectly, and the featureless sky really works well here. One more vote for removing some of the FG grass with a crop. Can you explain your title?
Hi David,
this location is awesome. There are so many great trees with character there. I really like your composition with the three interacting trees.
And I love the small details with the subtle clouds hanging in the blue sky.
I think I would go for 5x7.
I know that pretty well. It is always a compromise when you are on vacation with your family. But family comes first, of course. Glad you had your camera with you anyway.
I can’t wait to see more of your Madeira images.
Thanks for the comments and feedback, interested in your thoughts on the crops.
Patrick. for me it felt like the furthest tree in the distance was being attacked by the middle tree, but the middle tree didn’t know that a much larger tree was behind him prepared to protect the smaller tree. I hate naming images by the way
I vote for a 4:5 but not so much to remove the FG grass, for me it’s more about bringing that majestic hollowed tree in closer.
This tree/scene scene reminds me of the book “The Hobbit” for some reason (The Original Cartoon Version), that tree hollow is large enough for a Hobbit or two to reside in
I like the clarity of the hollowed tree and the FG with the fog progressively becoming more dense, it’s realistic and projects a mood of clarity and mystery.
I like that scenario and the title fits it well.
One of the great things about breaking away to take a few photographs during a family vacation is that they serve as great reminders of that special event even if there are no family members in them.
Of course I’m sure you were able to capture a few dedicated photographs of the family as well.
David, the sturdy determination of the large tree and the curve of the trunks of the other two trees suggest a relentless wind that has shaped but not toppled them. The 4x5 crop and a bit of desaturation in the grass at the bottom put the relationship of the three trees in sharper focus. I was struggling to understand the concept of the original crop. and did not notice the smallest tree at first. I would like this hanging on my wall. Thanks for this stimulating discussion.
I absolutely love trees and proudly say I’m a tree hugger. I will hug a tree I love, much to my husbands dismay. LOL This one is so unique, and fog lends to the mysterious feeling of perhaps some little gnome living inside that carved out space. I love the shape as well. It makes you wonder how a tree can survive with the inside part missing like that. Nature is a beautiful thing. Well done.
Given the presence of fog I think it was right to desaturate and cool the grass. The 4x5 works best for me. A longer lens could have made the bg trees a bit bigger maybe.
What a fantastic and carefully composed photograph. The placement of the three trees is just perfect. Each tree has such great character, and the foreground tree, gives the viewer all the rich detail in the trunks. I too would vote for the 4x5 crop. It gives the foreground tree much more prominence. My only other suggestion is to possibly clone out that slightly darker grass clump on the left side of the foreground tree. It keeps pulling my eye to it.
@Merv thank you! That tree was what made me stop and explore. I wanted to find a way to include the hollow section but as part of the scene, not the whole subject.
@Barbara_Djordjevic Thank you for the kind words, I will be going with either the 4x5 or 5x7, not sure which yet.
@Judi_Hastings Thank you! This grove of trees is nothing short of amazing, such a cool place that I hope to return to some day.
@Igor_Doncov I didn’t really consider a longer lens, could have been interesting to play with on this one…next time! If there is one!!
@Youssef_Ismail I cloned a fair bit of clutter out and went back to include the section you pointed out. It took some time to get things lined up but I knew I wanted each part to have its own space.
If you put the 4x5 and the 5x7 side by side - not one above the other - the 4x5 seems to emphasize the grouping. The 5x7 with the smaller foreground area emphasizes the front tree, making it feel more massive and important in the frame. So, I guess it is what you are trying for. I prefer the 5x7.
Way late to this one David but I have to say that the 4x5 makes this a much stronger image with or without the desaturation of the foreground grass. Pretty much everything has already been said but I wanted to chime and let you know how much I really like this image and how you masterfully arranged all of the trees without intersecting them. Very creative composition. I hope you had a wonderful time on your trip.