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Is this a composite: No
Canon 6D 2; 200 mm; ISO 160; 1/640 sec. at F 2.
Is this a composite: No
Canon 6D 2; 200 mm; ISO 160; 1/640 sec. at F 2.
I like the fanned out ear and the grass on the head. Funny. Focus is great and the side light really brings up the texture in the skin. Terrific as usual.
J., this poor guy looks a bit worn & torn from overall life struggles out there. A very fine image as presented here…
Another fine capture, Jagdeep. I, too like the side lighting which highlights the skin textures.
Hi Jagdeep, nice side light that adds interest to the image. Fine pose too. Seems to have a bunch of bugs flying around his head - poor guy. Nice frame.