Red-legged Honeycreeper

Taken at the same place as my last post. There are three honeycreepers in this area and they were all at this place. The difficulty was catching them in decent light. The shot everyone wants of this species is a flight shot because the “armpits” of the wings are brilliant yellow. I didn’t get that shot.

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Technical Details

Sony A1, FE 200-600 + 1.4 TC @ 840 mm, monopod with Wimberley Sidekick mount, f/9, 1/160, iso 2000. Processed in LR & PS CC. Cropped to 4134x3163. Taken at 9:43 on April 20th.

Very nice detail and shades of color. Best seen large; the smaller version doesn’t do it justice.

An engaging, attentive pose. I’m not wild about the lighter OOF object on the left – I wonder if it’s possible to burn it down or clone it out?

Hello, Dennis, this is always tricky to comment on. The bird is great and the techs on it as well. So, from a birders point of view I am thrilled. The BG however is bringing down the thrill a bit, but in these circumstances there’s not that much one can do. What I can imagine is selecting the bird, and tone down the BG as to have it less competing for attention. But the birds’ beauty and techs make up for the BG by a lot ! Cheers, Hans