Red Tail with Eye Contact

The Department of the Interior has done a great job for the raptors on certain properties it manages with respect to its perch set up. On my last day to this Southwest Washington reserve, the raptors were quite accommodating throughout the day. I think they liked watching us.

What technical feedback would you like if any?


What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Any pertinent technical details:

Iso-800, 100-400+1.4 extender at 480 mm, F8, 1000, overcast, handheld, Fuji XT3, Adobe camera raw, Topaz AI Clear, TK sharpening action at 5%

Great job on the processing of the hawk in this one, David. I love the eyes. Somehow I think I missed this pose.

I was going to suggest that we should contact them about letting us do a little perch improvement down there. They get enough photographers that it seems like a reasonable thing to do. Maybe go down in the summer sometime with a collection of decorative perches and materials to attach them to signs and posts.

Excellent detail and that’s quite a stare you captured.