Redtail in flight

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Fast moving birds in flight are difficult to capture.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

iso 400, 400mm plus 2x, f7.1, 2000th, Sony A7R4


Look at those wings! Great curves you caught here. And I really like the ragged edges on the tail feathers. Clearly banking to head off somewhere else. The bit of blurred trees really help give a sense of height and weightlessness. Is there some slight fringing going on here? I have issues with that sometimes in high-contrast situations and have to make sure I turn on lens correction in Lightroom - that gets rid of most of it. Excellent shot with plenty of room for us to imagine the next maneuver.

Hi David, I like the composition of this image with the hawk fully in the sky and ground to be explored below. Sharpness and image quality look good to me. Nice frame.

I love the wing position, David. It’s always cool to catch them just starting down with that nice curve at the tips. I’m glad to see a post from you again.

It is, but you did it!! And I love the soft BG! It feels like a CW rotation is needed but unless this is already a crop, that would lost some of the LR corner where the trees have a base, and I wouldn’t want to lose that. There is nothing wrong with the handheld feeling here – it fits the subject.