Reflection Bon Echo Ontario

What technical feedback would you like if any

Is this “soft”? It is a tripod shot, but a crop sensor…

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

I cropped this to be square…I thought it added to the balance in the reflection, which I weighted slightly to the top…

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

ISO 200 F8.0 1/13sec on a tripod 35mm Nikon D70s (it is an old photo :slight_smile: 2008)

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You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.


Wonderful autumn and reflection image. I quite like this very much. I think the processing in general is quite excellent - with a couple comments that can be seen as personal choices… I like the colors of the fall foliage and I think the exposure was influenced a bit by the brightly lit trees in the bg, making the overall exposure a little on the dark side; maybe a 1/2 stop, not much. I could see raising the mid tones very slightly. Having said that, I do think the luminosity balance between the top and reflection are presented nicely.

The only other suggestion I have would be to pull back on the blue saturation - if anything just painting selectively. There are a few bare tree spots (along bottom left edge), a stump near the left edge midline that are a bit blue that draw my eye. Very minor, but thought I would mention.

As far as being “soft”? It’s hard to tell in these web versions, but I’d say this looks pretty good for the web presentation. If anything, I think a good web sharpening application would do the trick.

Crop is excellent and I think all the vertical trunks and their spacing, of course with the fall colors, make for an excellent image.


Thanks Lon! I will try some of those tweaks. I’ve been up and down on exposure for this image but didn’t try midtones and have never tweaked saturation by colour band - I will give it a whirl.

This is quite nice. I agree with Lon on the blues, but otherwise, the processing looks good to my eye. At web size, the image looks plenty sharp as is.

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The image does not look soft to me Charles. It is certainly a lovely autumn scene. I agree with Lon about possibly raising the mid tones slightly.

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I think this is quite nice. I really like color, and aside from blue mentioned by the others, the processing looks good to me. A very tranquil image.

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