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What’s your emotional response to this image?
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Image Description
I found this while walking one of the trails in the wooded area in back of our property. As I studied the scene, I was sad yet captivated by the beauty of it.
Technical Details
Canon Powershot G3
f/8 @ 1/20, ISO 50
Processed in LRC
Specific Feedback
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Critique Template
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Jim, to me this is a very emotive closeup image. The remains are positioned well that the viewer is only looking at the feathers and not the face (which when alive we want to see). The placement of the snow and the old dead leaves help in this scene. I think most of us would have passed right on by without pointing the camera towards the remains. Nice details in the feathers.
So much could be said about this image if I were a poetic, philosophical person. There is a certain beauty in death and decay expressed here. Photographically, I think the image is well composed with nice colors and textures.
An interesting image, Jim. It’s very well composed and processed. Emotionally, it evokes a feeling of sorrow for the loss of any life. Since there’s no indication of the cause of death, it doesn’t evoke anger at some idiot wantonly killing or anything like that.
Jim, A very sad, yet compelling image. The intact feathers indicate that - at least - it was not torn apart by some hungry owl or hawk. Hopefully, it just died of the cold or illness.
The position of the wings, snow around and on top, and the contrasting leaves all combine to make a very evocative image.
Mostly sadness when first viewing but understanding death is part of life for everything. It’s death will not be wasted as other living things will benefit over time. Good comp without being gory and I like the diagonal placement but feel it could use a bit more space on top and right. A very delicate portrayal of a natural phenomenon Jim.
Jim: This is a compelling image IMO. We mostly look for pristine vibrant subjects and pass over things that may bring us down but this one works for me. Certainly sad that such a beautiful bird is dead but I appreciate the beauty that it had and had left with your image. Well seen and nicely captured. >=))>
Jim, this is classic photo storytelling. The details in the feathers and their subtle blue/grey tones are very attractive. The chilly snow and the warm brown leaves add their own elements of interest even as we recognize that it’s a death scene.
I think it’s telling that I remember taking this photo 22 years ago when so many from that long ago I do not. It was one of those scenes that grabbed me immediately and has stuck with me since.
Couple of initial reactions … The unsaturated colors re-enforce the somber tone of the scene. As does the down and left orientation of the bird. The crisp detail throughout oddly enough adds a vitality.