
Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

The clouds that hid the mountains were a disappointment until I started to process the picture. Now I am glad that the weather challenged me to understand the picture. I like the moodiness of it. I am wondering if I have underprocessed it a bit. Could I maintain the mood with a bit more processing?

Creative direction

I processed it in Lightroom and Photoshop using Topaz Denoise and TK8 filters to pull out some colors. The data is there in the shadows. I felt it needs to have that rather somber tone. I did not want to lose the spiritual voice that spoke to me. We all have times when the way seems complicated, and the clouds block our view of life.

Specific Feedback

Have I succeeded in conveying the emotional and conceptual goals? Or am I way off base and need to take the picture in another direction? Please give me any ideas and suggestions that come to you. How would you approach this picture, knowing you won’t have another chance to visit this place?

Technical Details

Technical information: Sony Cyber-shot DS-Rx 100m6, ISO 100, F/11, 1/160 second


This picture was taken during a photo workshop in Patagonia. Most of the group trekked to the cross on our first visit to the site, but I was hesitant to try maneuvering the trail. The second time we were there, I determined to get the picture despite the weather and my uncertainty regarding the terrain. I am happy I did.

Barbara, this is quite lovely and I believe you have processed it really well! Not knowing this location at all, I’m sure there were some compositional challenges but you’ve done well to draw the eye first to the cross, then second to the mountains in the background. While I understand wanting a different sky, I think this one helps convey the sense of mystery that is often associated with spirituality. I’m enjoying the elements as they relate to each other and the stories we can create to make a deeper meaning from the image.

Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, David, for that observation. It is appreciated.

Barbara, I think that this image is interesting, has a great concept, and tells a strong story. You did good by using what you had in front of you – the low cloud and drab feel, to tell the story that “was there” rather than trying to make the scene fit something that wasn’t.

The cross is a powerful (religious) symbol that the viewer can look to for help or guidance when as you say “… the clouds block our view of life.” I think you could emphasize this idea some more in post processing by brightening the cross (and maybe the rest of the fence to some extent) so that it stands out a bit more against the background.

Tom, what you say about telling the story that “was there” is precisely why I chose this picture. I appreciate your understanding. I would like to make the cross more prominent and will have to see what more I can do without losing it in the background. A very good point. Thanks for taking the time to react. I value what you have said.

This is quite a stirring image. I would try this in b&w and try to bring out more tonal variation in the sky. The sky is an important element in the story.

Thanks for the suggestion to try B & W. I had not considered that as an option. Trying to keep the cross from blending into the sky and yet highlighting it was a challenge. Maybe B & W would help in that respect.