Repost of Arlington Memorial Bridge, Va

What technical feedback would you like if any? Any and all

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any and all.

Pertinent technical details or techniques: As indicated on previous post without edits.

(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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I am not sure why this has not been commented on. It has some really nice soft warm light.The bridge acts as a leading line up to the monument type building on the hill.
Unfortunately on my screen the image is not sharp. The depth of field also appears quite shallow with only the first span or so of the bridge in what I would say is focus.

Hi David, Thanks, my purpose was to show the difference between the dull gray scene and the enhanced scene. Think the focus was near rather than far on the other side. Distance was about 400 to 500 feet. Used my 100x400 telephoto lens rather than my wide angle simply because that is all I carried. Added light under the bridge and on the water reflected from the overhead lights I added. Did not jack up the lighting on the scene, including the sky, because I was looking for balance.

Oh OK. I had not seen the first post. Now I understand.
