Restoring order (+1 change)

with spot removal -

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


A more dynamic photo of this solitary Loon I encountered while kayaking. From what I’ve seen, adults spend most of their time hunting or preening. Those feathers need a lot of care and attention to keep them at top performance. Every session includes a big flap or two and I was lucky to be on hand for this display a couple times with this bird.

Specific Feedback

Unfortunately it never faced directly away from or toward me for a symmetrical wingspread shot, but was always in this 3/4 view. Also unfortunately, the lake is a small one and the far shoreline is pretty apparent. I blurred it very slightly, but kept the water droplets sharp since they add so much. Also tried to make the most of the face and eye that’s visible. Does it work or is it too awkward?

Technical Details

Handheld in the kayak in calm winds with CPL attached.


Lr for a crop with rotation and work to even out the big dynamic range. Used the Color Grading panel to lift the mid tones. Topaz Sharpen AI to bring up detail and lower noise. Lifted shadows and whites more and added texture. Photoshop for some blur using the Neural Lens Blur filter, but applied selectively to keep the water droplets sharp. Added a slight Orton effect in the highlights.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

I like the pose you captured. Nice low level view-the kayak certainly helps there. Water and background are nice, though my eye is drawn to the brownish area to the left of the head.

It’s always nice to get this behavior, Kris. It’s probably trying to keep an eye on you at the same time it’s flapping. I actually like this angle because it shows the feather patterns quite nicely. A full back image wouldn’t have the eye showing well and a frontal on this species is relatively boring in terms of the plumage.

The angle works fine, with enough of a head turn to suggest he is watching you. Good tonalities and detail and the water droplets add a nice touch. The green reflections unify the water with the far shore, nicely softening a potential distraction.

I like the profile shot here Kris. Nice action and wingspread. Nice look at the head and eye. The water drops are a nice touch.

Thanks @Allen_Brooks, @Dennis_Plank, @Diane_Miller & @Ed_Williams - glad the angle isn’t too odd. It was definitely looking at me most of the time and because I didn’t paddle directly toward it and didn’t use sudden movements or abrupt gestures, it was pretty calm. I have a new version in the OP. Thanks for the catch!

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Hi Kris, it’s really a treat seeing this loon. Wish we had them and their call around here. Like the others above, I like seeing the spread primary wing pattern with a look at the eye as well. The repost without the lighter blobs is an improvement. Really enjoy seeing what you find on your kayak adventures.

Thanks @Allen_Sparks - it was a treat for me, too. I’d seen only one other while in the kayak and I was with a group and so didn’t want to get too close. This one didn’t seem to mind awfully. Am heading to a rather big man-made lake on Thursday, but one that looks to be undeveloped for the most part - some camping on it, but so far as I can tell, no permanent dwellings. We’ll see what I get.

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