This is an abandoned boat house on the St. Johns river in Florida. I found it intriguing because while the house is clearly abandoned, the dock that runs alongside it looks quite new. I also had to compose tightly because of other nearby structures. (5D3, 70-200 @ 140 mm, 1/500s, f/10, iso 400)
Mark, as a west-coast dweller my first thought is this thing must be very well built or it never sees any real legacy type Floridian hurricanes…
Only thought for change was a little more space along the roof line outer edges. As you had little choice on that point apparently …
Excellent color, texture. Red roof diagonals break up the horizontal lines well.
I would agree, with @Paul_Breitkreuz, Mark, I am surprised it is still standing. Wonderful detail you’ve gotten in the old wood building. Nicely done.
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