Rock on the Rocks

Taken in a stream, on a trip to the colder north of South Korea. The rock was about 2 feet across. I liked how the splashing water had frozen on the rock’s surface - also the contrast between the fast-flowing water and the rigid ice.

Specific Feedback Requested

Only had my birding lens to hand - any ideas for a different treatment of the dynamics here, using alternative lenses/settings perhaps?

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
D500 + Tamron 150-500mm lens (@240mm) 1/800 f8 ISO 500 handheld

After ACR, Topaz Denoise, small Shadows and Highlights adjustments in PS. Light cropping.

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We have a lot of these in local rivers, now, but I have a terrible time getting sharp across whole frame even using F8. Not sure how you got it, but wonderful shot.

Looks great to me, with very interesting ice formations! My only thought is that a polarizer might have reduced the highlight in the water a bit, but I’m not sure that would be any better.

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What a cooool title for the image! Well taken, especially with long hand-held lens. Great clarity of the ice.
You said that you were impressed by the fast-flowing water, but the image taken at 1/800 (default for a birder ? ) while capturing the texture of the moving water, stopped its motion. In the attached, I selected for the brown color of the water and applied a Photoshop Blur/Motion filter. Also a de-haze treatment as a substitute for polarizer. and a bit of freehand vignette.

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Wow, @Dick_Knudson , that has improved it a lot! I particularly like your de-haze treatment, as there was too much reflection off the water. Is this “de-haze” in Photoshop? I’ve never noticed it. You’re right about my 1/800 being ready for birds. This rock took me by surprise and I didn’t make enough adjustments for it.

The dehaze I used is in Tony Krypers TK8 toolkit … Great stuff reasonably priced.
Similar results from Lightroom Dehaze, and in PS one might try Burn tool with Highlights option. Or try a water-colored (brownish) brush in Lighter Colored mode with low opacity … or Color mode which preserves underlying texture.

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Many thanks, @Dick_Knudson . Lots of things to learn in the new year!

Mike, this is a fine look at this rock and the mix of ice and water. The textures in the water look great and contrast well with the details in the ice. If you’re using a recent version of Lightroom, it has a “dehaze” slider, that looks like it mostly darkens the dark tones and may remove some blue. (It’s likely there in recent PS raw processing, since the raw processing in Lightroom and PS are very similar, if not identical.) You’ve got amazing dof for f/8 and a long lens.

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