Rocky Blue Ecstasy II

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV f/8 30 sec ISO-100 24mm Polarizer and 3 stop grad

I feel that when it is freezing out it interferes with some of your creative decisions such as changing filters or lenses since you do not want your hands to freeze. This photo encompasses some of the previous suggestions on a previous post taken the same day, more sky is included in this image. I do think my wider lens 16mm would have worked nicely here. lesliespit4I|534x500

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Hi Larry. I like the blue look and the composition, but the long exposure that smooths the water creates an unusual blurring of the submerged rocks that my vision finds disturbing.


Most definitely prefer the amount of sky in this one; I think just the right amount and would be perfect in the previous image. I also like the blue-hour tones. The overall comp is a bit better as well with not as much negative space in the UL quadrant.

Not quite sure what is going on with some of the rocks at the bottom. Some of the rocks appear to have moved during the exposure, rather than just water rushing over? The oblong rock center-bottom looks pretty sharp, but the squarish one next to it looked like it moved, as do the triangular rock and rectangular rock as you move up in the frame. Also, and minor, there’s a rust colored thing and white object in the LRC affected by the ghosting and long exposure. It grabs the eye a little bit since it’s out of tone/color with the rest of the image.

Might not work for you, but I’d be tempted to crop off the bottom to remove the two large rocks. Still plenty of submerged rocks for effect, but less blurring.

No doubt you were hampered by the cold! Kudos for getting these!
