Rocky Blue Ecstasy

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Any pertinent technical details:

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
f/10, 30 secs, ISO-400, Polarizer and 3 stop grad

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

To me, the image seems to be heavily weighted on the right side. Also, your tripod leg is present in the bottom left of the image. Have you tried a different crop without the sky? Might help draw more interest to the rocks and cut out some empty space.


I would like to see a bit more sky in this image. My eyes keep going to the top right and wanting to see the top of those bushes with a little sky behind them. Also that tripod leg must go. I like the color and the mood of this image.



Love the “blue hour” look to this. I really like the ghosting of the water and all the submerged stones.

Similar thoughts as already posted. the sky and horizon line is a “tweaner” for me. What I mean is that I either want more sky, or none at all. What I do like though, is the wee bit of contrasting pink in the sky; just not enough perhaps. And I’m guessing there’s a reason, maybe having to exclude something up top you didn’t want in the frame?

Not sure what your wishes are/were for this scene. Perhaps the empty space in the upper left provides some value and a sense of vastness - or infinity or something. It is very calming how the sea has flattened out due to longer exposure. Alternatively, I think there are some cool crops in there, including a square crop that eliminates the tripod leg all together (rather than a CA clone) where you also remove the larger, brighter rock along the bottom edge. Cropping the sky if not important and then deciding how much to crop off the left; either enough to come square, or not at all leaving the open space upper left. A few options worth exploring I think, depending on your desires!


It’s interesting that a 30 sec exposure only got you a little blurring in the foreground whereas farther out the water is milky. I find it hard to predict what effect the moving water will create at slow shutter speeds, so I try to take several exposures at different speeds. The contrast between the milky/smoky water and the sharp rocks farther out is good. In close, the blurry water makes my head swim.

Just a thought. It may well be what you intended.

Very much like the foreground rocks and the blue water. I’m a little undecided if the horizon and sky add to this or not. I guess I’d say that there is at least a good alternate comp that excludes the horizon and sky. Maybe a bit more abstract but a bit less complex and uniform.

I really like blue hues and the interesting patterns on the the rocks. I would crop the sky out bc as is I feel it distracts from the better elements in the shot.

Same comment as before: bright bottom rocks lead you out of the picture.