Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.
Questions to guide your feedback
I’m mostly interested in knowing whether a shot like this prompts a reaction. Lately I’ve been seeing rocks in a different way and I’m fascinated by them. I’m still figuring out how to photograph them.
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Image Description
This was taken before sunrise and there was a predictable blue cast. The right white balance is a matter of taste. On this one I used auto white balance, which warmed the shot up some. When I tried warming it up more, I didn’t like the result.
When I started taking these closeups of rock walls I got sharp detail throughout. The results were too busy and they were almost painful to look at. I’ve started reducing the detail.
Hi Don, I also like stones (we have no rocks in my part of the Netherlands), so your image intrigues me very much. Beautifull colors and strctures. My first impression? I see two images, one at the left side and one at the right side. Left: beautyfull white color with a little bit pink at the bottom and a bit at the top (if you split the photo in two). At the right side an exciting black shape like an Y.
Rocks needs often a macro shot, then you can make little landscapes at 1 cm.! Try it and you will discover a whole new world! You have inspired me to look again to the stones in my environment.
I’m having trouble finding a focal point or a cohesive composition that I can relate to in this one, Don. To my eye (and only mine) it just looks like a rock face without a great deal of interest. Please note that my knowledge of geology is pretty close to zero.
Don, I’m also having a difficult time finding a primary landing spot for my eye in your image. I could this being split into two different images. The first would be an image on the right to include the Y pattern in the rocks. The second would be the left side with what I perceive as a distorted face. The center section does not provide me with much interest.