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Image Description
When rocks fall and break they leave forms that challenge the imagination. I enjoy playing with these forms. This was shot near the Colorado River.
Technical Details
GFX50R, 45-100mm, f/11, focus stacked
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My response was first mystery, then danger. Danger, as in, “don’t go in there!” The darkness is the unknown - and you might not want to know what it is. There’s no scale, is this a place where one might reach there hand in, or a cave one could walk in to? We don’t know. Also, the perspective is unclear. Are we looking down, up, or straight across? A mystery.
As I look and study further, the forward rock, shape, could be seen as a guardian of whatever is in the darkness. An imaginitive stretch perhaps, but the main rock could be viewed as like a gargoyle again guarding something, preventing or discouraging entrance.
I’m just guessing that the b&w treatment was done to emphasize those things. I could be way off.
Hi Igor,
This definitely has an air of mystery and a sense of foreboding to it. Maybe that is why I can see that face in the shadows just above the point of the larger lighter toned rock. My first thought was that the rock needed to be lightened just a little, but now I am not so sure as that might destroy the mood. Nicely done.
A very interesting choice for a composition, Igor, one I think, that many would dismiss before even taking the picture. At first, I didn’t think it worked but I have come back a few times to view it some more, which tells me that this image deserves. more than a first impression. There is a great deal to explore and it does what I believe any successful photograph must, namely evoke a mood. I can’t quite say precisely what that mood is for me but I am certainly aware of a feeling of tension, uncertainty, and dis-ease. I would be tempted to bring up a little more darks contrast in the upper section - it feels a little flat back there and I would like to see just a little more.
This has a bit of an animate feel for me, as if a monster returning to its lair. The small points of light almost have the appearance of eye staring back from the deep, almost as if other creatures lurk in the deep.