The Spread

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is yet another image of a rock that had fallen from a cliff and broken into pieces. It had probably taken many years to end up like this. I liked the scattered look.

Specific Feedback

I converted this to b&w. Actually, I intended this to be in b&w from the start and previewed it as such in the camera. I’m always looking for advice on this conversion.

Technical Details

GFX50R, 32-64mm, f/11, focus stacked

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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For some reason, this made me think of an octopus when I first looked at it.

I enjoy the intriguing flow of the lines created as the rock has weathered and fallen, and I think it is well presented. I also like the tones in your conversion; the dark in the upper right and the bottom helps the eye flow to the more interesting areas, and there is a good level of subtle contrast to show of the weathered layers in the center; the best part of the image for me.

As usual, you’ve done a great job with the tones.

There’s a relatively bright rock in a pool of shadow in the upper right-hand corner. It keeps hijacking my attention. You might consider lightening the shadows in that area.

which one is that?

It’s not a huge deal.

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Another of your fine, complex compositions. I love how you seem to eschew high contrast in your monochrome work (as in your colour work too, come to think of it) and, instead trust your composition. There is a gentleness to this image, partly due to the subtleness of tone, that for me, gives it a sense of timeless stillness. At the same time, the way the central mass seems to expand outward toward me, the reader, gives the picture an equal sense of dynamism.


Wonderful use of opposing diagonals to form a triangular composition. I also like how the broken down rocks fowl outwards along the opposing diagonals. The B&W treatment was a good choice allowing a fascinating study of shape and texture. It is always wonderful looking at your compositions. I might consider adding a little bit of vignette to the left side to somewhat balance the darkness of the right side or bring the right side up a bit, but I think darkening the left would be better.

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Igor, this is a very attractive pile of eroding rock. I see a floppy eared, long nosed dog… The tonalities work very well at focusing attention on the rock pile and getting my eyes moving up and down both sides of the pile. I do think that a touch of dodging in the upper right corner would be a subtle improvement.

IGOR , to me it’s all different . I see a lady in a 18? century dress and an other lady embracing each other . Asif they are crying about the fall. Or maybe they are just happy they finally fell and are down on the earth now.

Actually I did see these rocks arranged as a dress as well. But not when I shot this.

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