Rough Hands

Taken during our first trip to South Africa. We were in awe of the beauty & majesty.

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Technical Details

Nikon D700, AF VR Zoom 80-400, f5.6, 1/500/sec, ISO200. Processed using Lightroom.


Welcome Charlie!

Nice photo - I quite like the composition and contrast in texture and tone between the trunk and tusk.

I think the deep shadow at the back of the trunk works as-is but I think there might be some room to lighten the deeper mid tones and bring out some more of the detail back there.

You certainly captured something quite unique here, Charlie. I really like the among of texture you managed to obtain in the trunk, though it does seem you - or the autofocus of the camera - favored the trunk over the tusk, which is a bit of a shame. To help alleviate that missed focus, you could either darken down the entire image by a bit (I wouldn’t go too much further with it though) or you could darken the shadows and dark splotches of the tusk to help increase the contrast, which would in turn help trick the eye into thinking it is sharper. I would especially do this with those splotches and nicks on the tusk, as they are what interest me most - they tell a major story of this wonderful creature.

Hi Charlie !
Welcome to NPN !
A cool experimental photo to start your account.
Looking forward to more images from your repertoire.