The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This was taken last Thursday afternoon when at least 8 hummingbirds were visiting our yard. I placed a sprig of Fuchsia var Tricolor in the Plamp and action started immediately. Unfortunately, the sun came out from behind a cloud producing very bright conditions causing some bleed of the whites in the tail. I fixed that with some rubber stamping in a selected area and then did some contrast and highlight adjustments. One thing that I want to do is to crop more from the right to remove most of the blue/purple edge. Unfortunately, my USB mouse is not behaving itself for a proper crop.
Specific Feedback
Ho do you feel about the crop from the left to remove as much of the blue color as possible? I do like some blues in the BG.
Technical Details
z9 600mm f4 (f20, 1/200sec, ISO 1200) DeNoise, crop, levels, curves, and rubber stamp tool as mentioned above…Jim
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
Wow, Jim, this is stunning. I actually like the crop as is. The blue on the left provides a balance with the lighter area on the LRC. I might consider desaturating the blue in the upper left corner a bit to bring it into line with the overall saturation of the image…but I don’t think it needs a crop.
Did you use a flash on this? Just curious with the 1/200 sec shutter and the wings are sharp…how do you like the 600mm? Pricey item, but I am lusting after it…
This is a wonderful image all around, Jim. Congrats.
Yes, another gorgeous capture with a beautiful setup and composition. I would fix (or moderate) the blue with a brushed-on mask and a selective color adj layer, tweaking the blue/cyan to more of a subtle green. Might work well and not change the green leaves. Then the mask can be tweaked to better match the edge if needed. Then brush the mask to include the LR corner.
Thank you @David_Bostock . @Diane_Miller I forgot to state that I use 5 flashes at 1/32nd power with one placed below the bird and 3 above the subject and the last flash on the BG. I bought the 600mm f4 used and it is one of the G lenses, not a z lens. It was pricey, but most are selling their old lenses for newer Z models and prices have dropped significantly. With a teleconverter, you can use it for flowers and big bugs and the BG’s are awesome. @Diane_Miller , I’m going to have to give that a try. Thank you…Jim
Hi Jim, really nice image - love the pose and the flower. Details look great. I don’t see a need to crop and I like the BG but you could try cloning some of the blue at low opacity if you really felt the need. A fine image.
This is gorgeous, Jim. I don’t think I’d mess with a crop on this as I really like the composition. If you want to get rid of some of the blues, just select the background, pick up a green you like use a medium opacity brush and dab some paint around until you like it.
@Dennis_Plank’s idea can work sometimes, but you’ll have to avoid the area around the leaves. A reasonably targeted selection of the whole left area, and then using selective color on the blues/cyans won’t mess with the leaves. And I spotted a few sensor spots near the LL corner and one just below the leftmost fuchsia. Had to see if it would work – had to also go to neutrals in Selective Color and add a touch of yellow – not perfect but it gives a better starting point for some painting. I find low opacity cloning to be the most elegant method.
Jim , beautiful flower and great hummer in a nice position.
Personally, I’d lose that orphan bit of leaf on the left edge.
Are you editing with a mouse? If so, I’d strongly encorage a pen and wacom tablet - very precise control of even the tiniest details. You’ll never go back once you try it.
I really like the composition and the greens and reds work well. I think the crop works; the flowers and hummer needs some breathing room. The blue doesn’t bother me, but I like what Diane did-though for me, her technique is above my pay scale, so I’d probably end up leaving it as is. Excellent detail in the hummer and nice wing position.