Rufous with Bee Baum

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I posted a picture of an annas hummingbird but did not include the whole flower. There was a request to include the whole flower. so here’s a Rufus with the whole flower. Not much I can do about the black patches in the background and make it look realistic. In my area of the Pacific Northwest we only see Anna’s hummingbirds and Rufus hummingbirds.

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

ISO 3200, 200 to 600+1.4 X, at 820 mm equivalent, F9, 2000th, fill flash, Sony Alpha 1

Aww, she looks lovely and happy to have your plantings. Wild bee balm grows all over the state although mostly to the south and it’s a pale purple - lavender really. They love it.

Hi David, nice catch of this Rufous. Focus is spot on the head and I like the overall pose. I’m fine with the BG. Seeing the full flower is interesting even though the out of focus petals in front distract me some. A fine catch.

Nice job, David. Excellent focus on the hummingbird and I like the wing position. Bee Balms are lovely hummingbird attractants, but that flower head makes getting it all in focus almost impossible unless it’s a flash set-up.