Salt flat from above

Another image from Death Valley, but not mud tiles this time. This is looking down on the salt flats from Dante’s View.

Type of Critique Requested

Specific Feedback and Self-Critique

I used a long focal length to focus on a section of the salt flat and rotated the image 90 degrees as I felt it worked better as a vertical. Any thoughts on my choices?

Technical Details

Hi Dean,
what a wonderful abstract image. I love the fine details you can discover, especially in the dark area at the bottom.

In my opinion, your rotation works well. The illusion of sunlight shining from above and the shadow it casts at the bottom simulates some depth. I hope this makes sense.

Such a lovely image, Dean. I wouldn’t have known that you rotated it without you saying you did, as this feels like the natural orientation. Almost looks like waves receding on a beach. Love it!


Fabulous natural abstract. I think by rotating this you’ve actually increased the abstract nature of this.

For me, I have a mental block on the rotation. Very similar to my reaction to Paul Hetzel’s “Braided River abstract”. I’m sure it’s just my own perception, but even rotated as presented, I see a near/far landscape where the elements on the left are closer, and as you progress towards the right, it gets farther away. So mentally, I associate that with a horizontal near/far presentation. And I just can’t get past that and want to rotate it back to horizontal. I think all I can say is that it’s my personal problem… :slight_smile:

Love the abstract nature, patterns and the range of muted earth tones.


Thank you, @Jens_Ober, @Bret_Edge, and @Lon_Overacker. I’m realizing now I probably should have put this in the abstract category. Glad to hear it works well as an abstract.

No worries Dean. If you want to change the category you can by simply editing your original post. Or I can change for you. Not a big deal either way. Let us know.

Dean, this is so cool. I think it works here just fine. I also like the vertical perspective. It is a very mysterious scene that causes me to wander around the image, just enjoying the patterns.

Thank you, @David_Bostock. I’ll leave it here in the Landscape category.