San Juan Graveyard

Critique Style Requested: In-depth

The photographer has shared comprehensive information about their intent and creative vision for this image. Please examine the details and offer feedback on how they can most effectively realize their vision.

Self Critique

I feel that the composition and the emotional impact of this image is quite good. I found this as I was entering the city of Farmington, New Mexico. I’m curious of how this could be improved.

This was shot with an iphone with the intention of going back with the medium format camera but the light has not been right ever since.

Creative direction

Yes, I’m looking for a sort of ‘Moonrise over Hernandez’ look to it. It’s supposed to be haunting and beautiful at the same time.

Specific Feedback

The idea of converting this to black and white didn’t come to me until quite later. I feel it’s much more powerful as a b&w image. I have processed it to give it more of that power.

Technical Details

I don’t know.


This was shot at the outskirts of town. The crosses are stark white and the place is not being taken care of. Nature has invaded this graveyard and that’s how it should be. The sign read ‘San Juan Grave 1918’. My guess is that these people succumbed to the spanish flu epidemic but I don’t know.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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Igor, I suspect you’re correct with regards to the almost potters-field look here and the 1918 date epidemic. The B&W works excellent and would think the MF shot might bring about even more detail on this poignant view.
Only change might be to crop out the left side with the barren area. A bit of eye wander for me there. If a return visit with MF maybe a slight turn to the right would work. But I do see a sign hanging on the right fence that might be an issue.

I really like this image, Igor. The desolate graveyard in the foreground is poignant enough, but I also like the inclusion of the agricultural areas to the left and behind the cemetery and the indications of the invasion of the city and suburbs in the far background, leading to the death of the way of life in the agricultural areas. Even the sign lying on the ground adds to it. I’m not absolutely sure about the cut-off sign on the fence and I could certainly see going back when there’s more dramatic light to enhance the sky, but I think this cell phone version is a very powerful image as posted.

What a great find! The B&W is perfect here, and accentuates the starkness of the scene. Wonderful sky too. I’m unsure about the “Septic pumping” sign and the half-sign on the right border. I think I’d geet rid of them, as they defy the age of the cemetery.

You’ve definitely captured a somber mood with this Igor. I do like the B&W treatment. The smaller version of this makes me think of the dust bowl days in Oklahoma for some reason. That is erased by looking at the larger version with the modern buildings. The 1918 date is really interesting to consider. I’m wondering what gradually darkening the sky from bottom to top might do for this.?

Igor I like the presence of the factories at the end of the graveyard that speaks of the present alonside the past, of life today alongside the death of the past. Without them it wouldn’t be the same photo. I like the image very much as it is and I am not able to suggest anything.

I agree with you Giuseppe. Those old metal buildings were part of the ‘ambiance’. I was aware of that when I made the shot.

I went back after the storm and it was totally different. There was nothing special about it. It wasn’t even worth photographing. That’s how much difference the light had made.

Late to the dance, for sure, but I wanted to comment on this. I think it is a great picture - very moody and it tells a story. “Moonrise Over Hernandez” came immediately to mind but, in the way it tells a story, I couldn’t help think of Robert Frank as well. In any case, you’re keeping good company. I couldn’t imagine this other than monochrome.

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