Sandhill Sunrise

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Cold morning in Bosque

Technical Details

iso 2500. f/8 1/2000 sec

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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Delton, Very cool silhouette of the cranes . The reflections and bits of reed, as well as the mist, all add to a very compelling and ethereal image. Excellent immage, and perfect entry into this week’s Challenge.

I think this image is very nicely composed and captured. I really like the position of the birds and the brightness in the water around the birds really makes them stand out. In addition the mist in the upper portion of the image helps frame the birds. I have two rather subtle suggestions that I think improve the image. First, I would remove the blade of grass that goes through the beak of the bird on the left. Second, I would remove the very small grassy area above the beak and head. I believe these adjustments will make this bird’s head and beak stand out more as the other two do.

Sandy: Thanks. Can’t wait to get back there


Alexander: Thank you. I’ll try that


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Everything came together for you. I love the golden glow on the water, the fog, and the grasses that add texture. Great grouping of the birds. Nice silhouettes and reflections.

Wow, nice silhouette Delton. I love the warm glow of the water, the misty BG and the nice sharp outlines of the birds and the grasses. I agree with Willem on doing some fine touch up on a few of the grasses around the head of the bird on the left. Gorgeous.

Great image @delton . The golden light surrounding the birds combined with the fog gives the image great depth, adding to the serene quality of the image. I had to look twice at the bird on the left as there seemed to be too many legs. Realized that it was another bird behind that one that was feeding in the water. The image conveys to me that it is a good start to the day, or the start to a good day. Well done.

Thanks for input

Delton W Young PhD
7724 35th Ave NE
P.O. Box 51188
Seattle, WA. 98115

425 336 0212