Second Beach Silhouette

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I like the idea and execution of a silhouette here. Like many here, I’ve photographed here (once) at sunset and it’s darn near impossible to get both detail in the stacks AND the sunset sky. going with the situation and taking it full silhouette I think works. One little detail really helps - and that’s the gap of the natural bridge on the right, plus the reflections in the wet sand. Another reason that helps is that the rock formations and silhouettes don’t take up all the real estate.

You didn’t mention what feedback you wanted, if any, or any other information. It’s often helpful for the viewer so we can provide the best feedback. Thanks for sharing!


Larry, this image works well for me. I agree with Lon that the silhouette is well executed, it creates a very stark mood. I like the choice of the panoramic aspect ratio, it’s perfect for this long narrow subject. The saturation of the blue tone is strong, but I think this is a case where pushing saturation for effect has succeeded. My only suggestion for improvement would be to clone away the footprints in the sand, they are especially prominent in the center of the image. Nicely seen and executed.

I’m a fan of silhouette photography, even if lots of folks get all “nitty” about lack of detail in shadows. They’re entitled to their view, but there can be real power in silhouettes. This one is especially good for the way subtle detail in the foreground and that great sky frame the silhouette. Just a whole lot to look at and explore. Very well done!

I like the layout of this panorama a lot. I also have no problem with silhouettes, as the time of day you took this you would not be able to see all of the details in the cliffs anyway. Dark shadows are ok in my book, and can look more natural at times.

My only suggestion would to be consider cloning out some of the writing in the sand and reducing the blues some.

Very nice image!

A very impactful image. The silhouette works very well here. The blues are quite striking, which I like. I agree about the cloning needed in the sand. My only nit, is there is some haloing particularly in the left sea-stack. I’d tone down the sharpening/clarity there.