
What technical feedback would you like if any? Are the shapes and colors enough to carry the image?

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Any and all

Any pertinent technical details:

Taken along Long Island Sound from the CT side. Taken with SX50, F4.5, 1/320 sec., ISO 400 at 12mm

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

A beautiful and soothing image. Simple and yet says so much.

Beautiful, Patricia. It is a great eye-catching foreground for a wonderfully colorful, yet subdued background. No nits here.

Patricia, I love simple and thoughtful images! This one definitely qualifies. To answer your question, for me the shapes and colors do carry this image. I have no suggestions for improvements. Well done!

The others have already expressed how I feel about this beautiful image. Very small nit and one which seems to be everywhere we look these days -on enlargement there appears to be a remnant of a contrail in upper right. Not sure; could be different cloud.

This is a very lovely photo. It definitely works for me. One optional nit: if it were my photo I would slightly darken the upper top right, which is the brightest part of the photo and draws my eye up rather than in.


Simplicity is almost always the best and most rewarding. Love the colors in the sky and you’ve filled the frame beautifully with these podded plants (for lack any knowledge of what they are!)

I’m on the border on whether or not I like the horizon/ocean? included. It’s such a minor element that it’s really no big deal. It does provide a reference and I suppose without it… well, not sure if that would change the image. Regardless, it’s a beautiful capture and presentation.


Great colors, shapes and patterns. Lovely work.

Patricia, this is a wonderful abstract silhouette, the arrangement of the pattern of pods is perfect. And your processing of the sky is great, I’m glad you kept the saturation natural looking here.

Like @Lon_Overacker I debated the merits of showing the horizon line of the water. I think it adds to the story, but would perhaps like to see a little bit more of it. I hope you have some room for crop latitude here.

Lon & Ed - If I add more to the bottom it will include a long dock that goes almost the full length of the image. Thanks for your critiques, I do appreciate them.

Well that’s often the case, at least you were able to get some horizon, since I think it helps. Still a nice image though.