What technical feedback would you like if any?
What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon SX50, F.8, 1/1250, ISO 6 40
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Wow Patricia, that is one dramatic sunrise. And you were lucky to have relatively calm water too. I like how the islands and clouds funnel the viewers eye in towards the sunrise at the center of the image, this composition is very effective. The processing of exposure/contrast in the sky and water looks nicely balanced and natural, and does not go over the top with saturation. Overall this is a very strong image.
There is something weird going on in the LRC, it looks like you might have merged two layers that were not aligned properly, and forgot to crop away a sliver of one of the layers.
I also think this composition could be improved by a few minor tweaks. I would definitely make a small crop from the left, to my taste I would like to see a tighter crop on that island. I’m also a little torn on the rocks in LRC, if there were more of them I would be okay leaving them in. But as presented, I don’t think there are enough of them to warrant their inclusion, and I would clone or CAF them away. I would not crop them away, because I think you have just the right amount of sky reflection in the water already. But these are minor tweaks, overall I like this image a lot.
The mood is what makes this for me, Patricia. Serene, with great light. I agree about cropping a little off the left side, but the image works well as is. I’m uncertain about the rocks along the LR corner, as well as the band along that edge.
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Love this image. This has the spirituality of a northern sunrise that we rarely see in the southern climates where the colors scream at you. This so reminds me of my travels through Alaska. What appeals most to me are those clouds - how they’re gently lit on one side. Except that cloud on the far left. It feels kind of out of it. A really fine, sensitive image.
Beautiful sunrise image. What draws me in (literally) is that I get a sense of a portal, or a window to the world; that is the way the clouds and reflection line up. And for that reason alone, I wouldn’t crop this at all; if anything maybe a sliver off the top. I think you’ve handled the colors, contrast and processing very well.
I agree and was going to mention the overlay issue on the right, which is also on top. Definitely correct that if you’re going to print.
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I will take care of the overlay issue before printing.