Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon SX60, F5, 1/1000 s ec., ISO 100. The beautiful late summer field of green and blue sky with interesting clouds drew me to this scene. The lone tree as an exclamation point didn’t hurt either. Cropped as a pano to emphasize the horizon and sky.
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
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Beautiful idyllic scene Patricia. Love the fluffy clouds and the perfectly green grass against the sky. My only thought would be to clone out the little tree on the far right. For me at least, it is just bit distracting. Nicely seen and captured.
Patricia, very nicely done, this is a classic scene, and I love the choice of the panoramic aspect ratio here. This looks like something you should try to sell to Microsoft for use as a screen saver
The processing looks create, the colors have vitality without being over-saturated, the blue in the sky is particularly well handled. Many people make blue skies too dark and saturated, but I really like how your sky looks here.
I’m a bit torn on the little tree, I could see this working either as presented, or with that tree removed. It will be interesting to see others comments in this regard. If you did decide to remove the tree, I might suggest also doing a slight crop from the right. With the little tree included the length of this pano works well, but with the tree gone, I’d crop it a bit.
I agree with most everything Ed has said about the technical strengths of this picture. For me, however, without that little tree this image is little more than a pleasant cliche. For me it is the little tree that makes this image by creating a kind of dialogue - the image is no longer about the big tree but about the relationship between the two, which is far more complex and interesting. It is also witty, which I really like. After the big visual hit of the tree and the clouds, my eye moves along the horizon line to the right and runs into the punchline - that tiny bit of tree, which can’t hold a candle to the “big deal” on the left but which won’t be denied. It certainly brought a smile to my lips (I think Elliot Erwitt would have liked this picture). You’ve created a wonderful image and I definitely wouldn’t consider removing, what for me, is the point of the picture.