
This was a very interesting image for me both in terms of composition and post processing. Because the light was changing, after I set up my camera I took 15 or 20 frames over about a half hour. I was interested in the image mostly because of how the darker outcropping of land and its reflection on the left seemed to be penetrating the lighter land and its reflection on the right. All this combined with the lovely curves of the land that made me think of a guitar or dulcimer. I was pretty excited about the possibility of the image but when I downloaded at home I was disappointed. It seemed much less dynamic than I’d imagined … except this one. Of all the frames I took, this is the only one where there was a break in the clouds which, in turn, generated the shadowed reflections that streak from left to right across the frame.
When it came to post-processing, I immediately assumed I’d do it in black and white since it all seemed to be so much about the very graphic nature of the image. I spent a whole afternoon working on it and got nowhere. I even tried doing the whole thing as a silhouette with the sky and water in high key. It certainly was graphic and eye catching, the sort of thing I’d look at once and forget about. To me, it had no soul. So, I went back the next day and started again. This time I thought I’d let the graphic quality of the picture speak for itself and instead focus on the light. Here again, I wanted to emphasize a hazy, diffuse light that almost seems to glow, which is not the star of the show so much as the lighting that brings the show to life. I’d be most interested to hear your feedback as to the extent to which my intentions for this picture fail or are fulfilled.

Is this a composite: No


I think you achieved everything you wanted, Kerry. This is a lovely peaceful scene with wonderful lines/curves and astonishing color. I also really like the symmetry both left to right and top to bottom. Excellent.

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Love the light and atmosphere in this image. It looks like all that waiting paid off. The colors in the sky and water are so subtle that I don’t think you could have achieved that by processing them in. Fortunately a canoe trip gave you enough time and patience to see every moment unfold and recognize the perfect one. This image is subtle, as is much of your work.

I kind of like this one.
My “Kahneman” System 1 jumps in and like the image.
Then System 2 start grumping and declared it was to simple.
Then again it decided that simplicity is a good thing
Nice and simple that’s the motto …

I really like this image, very simple composition. Which are imo the best. I love the very subtle colors in the sky and think it could make a great print. Congratulations!

@David_Bostock - Thank you David, I appreciate your appreciation!
@Igor_Doncov - Thank you so much, Igor. Subtle is a word I like to hear, especially with regards to my own work :blush:
@joaoquintela - If the opposite of simplicity is complicated, then I agree with you 100%, simplicity is a good thing. But if the opposite of simplicity is complexity, then that is another matter entirely. I know English isn’t your first language and the distinction might escape you but, in any case I do appreciate your observations and your making the effort to share them with me .
@pat2 - Thanks so much, Pat. If I could only afford to pay for replacement cartridges for my Canon Pro 1000 I would make a print :money_mouth_face:

I do understand those differences, and totally agree with you.