I guess I am doing the same as most other photographers at the moment and trawling the archives. I have always noticed this existed but never got round to processing it.
I understand that this is not going to be be everyones cup of tea/coffee/insert favouriute hot beverage here but was wondering how it makes you feel? Does it convey mood and feeling of the weather conditions well? Is it oversimplistic?
Happy to recieve any crtique on anything as usual.
Please note: this image was processed on a calibrated monitor
Hey @Eugene_Theron
Short version I like this image. it’s kind of minimalist but that golden light on that fog (clouds maybe?) Is gorgeous. And those lines of the land create a very interesting line along with the far mountains, and yes the lines may lead the eye out of the frame on the LRC but I think the light gathers so much attention that it’s not a risk.
Not sure I would change a thing, maybe raise just a bit the exposure on the land in the lower part, but not even sure it would get better.
Thanks for sharing,
That would be my suggestion as well. For some reason foggy images seem to work best in high or middle tones for me. Actually, if anything, the modification would be very slight. This does have a Romantic look to it. There is not a great deal of color to it and I like that nuanced look about it. Nicely done. Yes, a cottage or a human figure could have added to the image.
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Yes it floats my boat actually I think its about spot on.
I like the moment it catches and contrary to brightening the FG which given the light source is perfect, my personal taste would be to reduce the highlights of the sun just a touch to stop the clash of contrasts and make it a little calmer.
I mean, it’s awesome. What else can I say. I’m impressed that you had the wit to pick up your camera. It would have been easy to just stand there with your jaw hanging down by your feet. There is that moment just before the sun burns off the fog that is so dynamic and fleeting. I think you’ve captured the drama of that instant.
Works for me. I think it is a great image. Excellent mood and conditions. I would not change a thing.
Very impressive image. Weather conditions like these are very fleeting, and it certainly conveys a wonderful mood. It makes me wish that I could have been there to see this myself. The light and atmosphere definitely create an emotional impact.
When looking at the smaller image I though the foreground was too dark, but after looking at the full size image I think the foreground luminosity is fine. My only suggestion is that if you wanted to enhance soft / sharp contrast, you could add a tiny bit of clarity to the foreground mountain ridge. I would only add a small amount, you don’t want to overdo it, or you would lose the mood.
@João_Ferrão @Igor_Doncov @Ian_Cameron @AndySimpson @Harley_Goldman @Kerry_Gordon @Ed_McGuirk
Wow! Thank you all very much. I’m truly blown away by your responses.
I did raise the exposure in the fore ground by 0.15 in the end. It was subtle but gave the image just a bit more of an airy feel, which is what I wanted achieve. I also adjusted the black point slightly in this area.
Other than that I have not made any other changes. @AndySimpson I did have a poke at playing with the highlights but I seemed to introduce excessive colour bleed, so I have just left it as it is.
Thanks again!!
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The more I look at this, the more I like it, or better said, understand it. This image definitely grows on you if given the chance.
@Eugene_Theron I understand and it looks good.
Only 2 things to get wrong and I got both 
PS I always poke fun at myself 
I also keep noticing things I hadn’t noticed before with it. It’s interesting that you mention that it grows on you> I showed it to a friend a few months back and he immediately said he didn’t like it. Roll on a few months and his opinion has changed. Thanks again 
hahahah, don’t we all. There is no wrong and no right here. Just advice and opinion. I think even if you point something out that doesn’t work for an image, there is no harm in trying it just to see. Either way the feedback is appreciated!
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Hey Eugene,
Sorry to be so late to the party here but I thought I’d chime in here. It is wonderfully moody and very simplistic which I like. I posted an image a few days ago that was VERY minimalistic so I get what you’re going after here. The star of the show obviously is the soft foggy glow peaking out behind the top mountain peak and I can feel the fog literally burning off and disappearing. This is definitely my cup of coffee. Well done! Oh, and congrats on the WP.
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Hi David, nothing wrong with slipping in a little late. Thanks for the kind comments too and the congrats! Yeah, it was pretty mesmerising to see. One minute thick cloud the next clear skies with all this going on inbetween. Probably lasted for about 5 minutes or so. Just switching in and out of these conditions
As a citizen of USA I can assure you that to see a sunrise tomorrow morning of such grace would put me on my knees. It is more than beautiful.
Wow, thank you Dick! I really appreciate that 
I like the layers in the mountains. The mist is creating a nice diffused look that is appealing in that it softens the sunlight and creates a sense of mystery with the way that it veils the background mountains. The composition does feel a bit heavy on the left hand side with both the bright highlights from the sun and the deep shadows from the bottom hillside. I don’t know what was outside of the frame, but it would have made for a stronger composition if you could have somehow changed position so that the highlights and shadows were in opposing corners at a diagonal line if that makes sense.