OK, it wasn’t really “misty” - just extremely hazy on this morning! So hazy in fact, that the hillside behind this rock outcropping was nearly obscured. (There is no sky present in this photo.) I was drawn to the way the morning sun was backlighting the leaves on the trees and how the mist isolated them from the background. The rock outcropping was quite a ways away - in fact I took this with my 500mm lens - so I had to shoot through that same haze that was hiding the background hillside. My goal was to create an ethereal and calming image.
Specific Feedback Requested
I’m open to any and all feedback, but specifically wonder about these things:
I really struggle with white balance when processing fog/mist/haze. Is there anything about the white balance in this image that strikes you as “off”? I did push it into the cooler tones because I wanted a calming vibe, but hopefully it’s not TOO blue. I find it really difficult to find a balance between adding a “natural” amount of blue and removing so much that the image looks “dead”.
Hopefully it’s obvious that I meant for this to be a high-key minimalist image, but I do wonder if the lack of any shadow tones (below 50%) is visually objectionable to any of you. (I typically love strong contrast, so this image is a departure from my usual style.)
Technical Details
Canon R5 with RF 100-500mm lens (at 500mm), 1/1000 sec, f/7.1, ISO 250, handheld. Processed in LR and PS (using luminosity masks to enhance the sunlight on the leaves). I also cloned out some distractions on the hillside in the background: road signs, power pole and service roads (for said power poles). Even though they were mostly hidden by the haze, I found that the straight lines of all of those things were distracting in what otherwise looks like a sky.
This photo really caught my eye. I love how the sun is starting to burn through the fog and back light the foliage. I’m new NPN, so this needs to be considered for any CC I offer. I struggle with white balance as well and I believe that it is OK to use it to set the mood of the photo. I know that I do and I have seen highly respect landscape photographers admit to using white balance to set a mood. For me, you nailed the white balance in this photo. I also think that your contrast is spot on. Additional contrast/shadows would take away from the mood/calmness the fog gives the photo.
I love misty shots, but in this case there isn’t much depth to give a sense of atmospheric perspective. I believe you that you didn’t push the effect, but it almost looks like you did. I wonder about bringing out a bit more tonal depth on the dark end? I’m also not sure the top third is contributing anything. The WB looks fine, to me.
Love this! I think the long telephoto really worked to enhance that haziness. (well, “misty” sounds better, but I get the haze part… ) 
The back light in the trees is the “highlight” for me in this image. I think the extra space, or negative space if one wants to call it that, is actually working well here providing context and atmosphere.
In my view, I think the processing is excellent. WB? this so often is a personal choice. Sometimes when I don’t know or have a good feel, I might take a color measurement and force the color to a nuetral gray… but then other times you might want warm or cool presentation. I think your processing comes out just right.
No suggestions or nits. Well seen, captured and processed. Glad you decided to post - looks like it’s been a while - so welcome back!
I love the minimalist look and the subject is great! I think the color balance is spot on. I don’t think you would lose any of that Zen by bringing out more detail though. There is so much lovely detail to be had there. Maybe a touch more like what I have attached?
Jeanie, this is a lovely high key image. Well done. I like the minimalism, the negative space compliments the outcropping nicely. White balance looks fine to me, a bit cool in tone, but I think that works well in this case.
Awesome shot.
Very ethereal and beautiful image Jeanie. The WB looks fine as does your high-key minimalist treatment. I think the backlit trees are lovely and the lack of detail adds to the overall mood.
I think this is beautiful as is. It really caught my eye with that backlit rim lighting. If I could, I’d add a little space to the right of the big tree, but maybe you couldn’t for any number of reasons. This is really quite stunning!
@David_Starr @Diane_Miller @Lon_Overacker @Adam_Klaum @David_Bostock @Eva_McDermott @Mark_Muller
Thank you all for taking the time to comment and allowing me to “see” my image through your eyes.
@Diane_Miller Yes, I can see what you mean by the lack of atmospheric perspective. There is only one “layer”, so the perspective is lost. Both you and @Adam_Klaum suggested more tonal range, so I will try that, print it out and see which sits with me better when it’s on my wall. 
@Mark_Muller Interesting that you mentioned adding space on the right. I did crop in slightly because there is a “line” of treetops that extend straight out from the right edge of the photo. The right side of the larger tree blends into them and doesn’t have any definition, so it loses its round shape. I could try warping or cloning, but I was hoping that cropping would do the trick. 
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Hi Jeanie. I love mysterious vibe in this image. Very unique with the strong light source but low contrast.
The light fringe on the leaves is magical. Feels like something from out of a fairy tale. I think everyone has made some great suggestions.
The only thing I can think to add is a different crop. Not sure which I prefer but I think a square crop can bring more focus on the interplay of light on the trees, maintain the minimalist look and help tidy up the right side. Inspiring image. Now I’ll be looking out for hazy scenes 
Thank you for your kind words Andre. I’m glad I’ve inspired you to look for the gems in hazy scenes.
And thank you for the suggestion of a different crop. I will play around with that.
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I really like this exactly as you’ve posted it. I can’t recommend a thing to change it. The white balance is pleasing and not too blue at all. If you warmed it I don’t think it would work the way this currently does. The minimalist, hazing look is terrific. So is the amount of backlighting on the leaves. At first I thought it was too much but I see it as more artistic the way you’ve processed it and I love it. Beautiful post.
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I’m with David H. - I wouldn’t change a thing. The visual balance is lovely. It has an expansive feel. I think if it were cropped you’d lose that, which would change the mood a bit, maybe losing some of that calming feel.
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